Lawn Tips __________________________________________________________________________________

Proper mowing and maintenance is essential for keeping a healthy lawn. Avoid scalping grass too short. Grass that is too short grass uses more water. Adjust your mower to the ranges listed below:

Type  Grass  Height
Bermuda 1 1/2" - 2"
Hybrid Bermuda 1/2" - 1"
Perennial & Annual Rye 1 1/2" - 2"
Tall Fescue 1 1/2" - 3"
St. Augustine 2 1/2"- 3 1/2"

Do not remove more than one third of the grass at first pass. Avoid following same pattern each time you mow. Increase mowing height by 25% in shady areas. Use reel-type mower when mowing grass at 1" or less. Keep mower blades sharp.

Water very early in the morning hours to minimize evaporation. Water common lawns no more than once every three days during the summer. Water shaded areas 30% less than sunny areas. Signs of under watering: Bermuda grass does not spring back when stepped on; soil to hard to push a screwdriver into and turf feels warm in the evening.

Regular fertilizing is essential for good color and healthy grass. Do not over fertilize. Lawn will require more water and more frequent mowing.

Follow directions in fertilizer bag for amount directions. If there are no directions on the bag, look for the nutrient analysis. These three numbers represent the percentages of nitrogen(N), phosphorous(P), potassium(K) in the formula. Phosphorous & potassium are needed by some plants, but seldom have effect on Arizona lawns. A good general rule is to apply 1/2 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet each month between April & September for bermuda grass.

Avoid fertilizing ryegrass in late spring and early summer.

Use "slow release" fertilizers. Although they cost more, they release nutrients more efficiently and can be applied less frequently.

Iron helps keep grass green during late summer and fall. Use formulas with ferrous sulfate or iron chelates.

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